Ballets Russes de Diaghilew, Gala de Danse au Benéfice de V. Nijinsky, organised by Sergej Lifar, Paris 1939
Édition Publ. W. Fischer, Paris
Program is published by J. de Brunov and richly illustrated with photographs of V. Nijinsky as principal dancer of performances: «Spectre de la Rose», «Pétrouchka», «L’après-midi d’un Faune», «Shéherazade», «Giselle», «Pavillon d’Armide» etc.
26,8 x 21 cm; [16] pp.: ill. Saddle stitch binding with red tape.
Gold thin stock wrappers, text block consists of transparent paper, laid paper and matte-coated stock leaves.
On the inside 4 ill. by Cocteau and numerous photographs of Nijinski.
Copy heavily yellowed. In very good condition.