Feodor Chaliapine: photocards (27 pieces) and a handwritten letter from F. Chaliapine

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17th September 2021, 18:00
-1242 days

Starting price

€ 300

1) Letter, addressed to mlle Hatto, from 7th of June 1924. Size of paper: 17.1 x 27.7 (folded twice, written on ¼ of the paper sheet). Original paper with pressed name “Feodor Chaliapine”. Letter in original envelope 9.1 x 14.2 cm big, also with pressed name, stamp and post stamp. Address on envelope and letter written in French, by hand, in violet ink, at the end of the letter signature “FChaliapine”.

2) Each photo card ca. 13.8 x 8.8 cm. Chaliapin is shown in costumes for operas “Boris Godunov”, “The Barber of Seville”, “Mefistofele” etc. Photo cards are fixed to paper sheets with extra photo corners (without using glue).