6th July 2021, 18:00
Auction №17
Auction Nr. 17. Russian Historical and Military Collectibles. Romanov's Family Memorabilia
On July, the 6th at 16.00 CET. If you want to participate, we kindly ask you to fill out the form rights and send it to info@kabinett-auktion.de
You can also participate online bidspirit, invaluable and Drouot. Bidspirit +4%, Invaluable +5%, Drouot +3% to the 23% buyer's premium
Preview - max. 2 persons at the same time:
From 28.06.21 till 5.07.21 from Monday till Friday from 11.30 till 18.30 CET
All Lots Of The Auction

[Uniform of Russian army] General and Adjutant of Guard. 1840
Starting price: € 150

[Uniform of Russian army] Officer of the rear troops in dress uniform. 1840
Starting price: € 150

[Uniform of Russian army] Officers of Life-guard of the Hrodno hussar regiment. 1840
Starting price: € 150

[Uniform of Russian army] Grenadier of Cavalry-grenadier Life-guard troop. 1840
Starting price: € 150

Inventar Nr.
Starting price: € 360

[Uniform of German army] Train Officer. Kingdom of Württemberg. 1835-43.
Starting price: € 30

[Uniform of German army] Pioneers (sappers). Grand Duchy of Baden. 1835-43
Starting price: € 30

[Uniform of German army] Grand Duchy of Baden. 1835-43
Starting price: € 30

[Uniform of German army] Imperial state of Hesse-Cassel. 1835-43
Starting price: € 30