[OPERA RUSSE, BALLETS RUSSES, REMISOW, SUDEIKIN] Le Théâtre de la Chauve-Souris de Moscou at the Théâtre Femina, the 4th Program: May-April 1921, Paris

Program: QuatuorComique, Katinka, Romances Russes etc. Comœdia Illustré, Imprimerie M. de Brunoff, Paris. 32 x 25 cm; [16, 1] pp.: ill. Sewn binding with green twisted cord. Thick matte stock wrappers and gloss-coated stock text block. Lettering and pochoir by Sudeikin on the front cover. 1 loosely inserted program on May 25 – June 4, 1921. The edition contains 3 ill. by Remisov and 3 ill. by Sudeikin. Pencil note „-Mai-Juni 1921-“ on verso of the front cover. Wrappers are slightly rubbed. Vertical crease to the front cover, wear of the few pages.