[BALLETS RUSSES, AVERY, BAKST, LEONARD, OPPLER, SEROW, SLEVOGT] Collection of the Articles about Anna Pavlova, with Numerous Costume Design Sketches of «La Bayadére» and «Giselle». Berlin, 1913

Participate at the auctionAuction OnlineCondition request


7th April 2020, 17:00
-1801 days

Starting price

€ 1000

Verlag of Bruno Kassirer, Berlin 1913. Typography of Gustav Ascher GmbH, Berlin. 22 x 15 cm; 43 pp.: ill. Case bound with marbled boards, with transparent paper dust jacket. Coated stock text block. Cover design by M. Slevogt. On the inside 1 ill. by M. Avery, 1 ill. by V. Serov, 1 ill. by E. Oppler, 1 ill. by Leonard. 3 ill. by L. Bakst